
All services

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Rent Sale

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All types Индустриальный парк Ответственное хранение Складской комплекс

Price, RUB/m2

Square, m2

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  • A
  • B+
  • B
  • С


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Индустриальная недвижимость

As practice shows, warehouse lease has a large number of advantages for the business structures, including:

  • Payment only for the necessary set of services (repacking, security, labeling, access system. etc.);
  • Saving on maintenance of the premises or outdoor storage areas;
  • No necessity for staff increase.

How to find the most suitable warehouse

Modern logistics services for cargoes storage and handling imply a wide range of options. предполагают In order to find premises for the warehouse ideally suitable for certain business needs, address specialists of our company - IPG Estate.

Our work with each customer is based on consideration of the set tasks. You can include the following aspects into them:

  • Availability of special machinery;
  • Task class;
  • Special temperature mode;
  • Possibility of cargo accounting, sorting, packing, marking, complement and inventory;
  • Video surveillance, etc.

When customers ask us to find premises for manufacture, we select various options according to the same principle. Professional evaluation of their suitability for certain activity includes analysis of sizes of production spaces, technical condition, possibility of specialized equipment installation, electric outputs, utilities condition, temperature conditions, etc.  

Aside from the selection of commercial real estate items, we offer a range of additional professional services. We provide assistance in negotiations and legal registration of the transactions.

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