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IPG.Estate Managing Partner Entered CRE 100 Rating

Ivan Pochinshchikov, the Managing Partner of IPG.Estate, has entered the rating of the most influential persons in the commercial real estate market – CRE 100 2019. Ivan closes the top ten influential persons of the Consulting segment. It is worth noting that Ivan is the only representative of the consulting sector of St. Petersburg.

"My position in CRE 100 rating is an achievement of the whole team, – says Ivan Pochinshchikov, the Managing Partner of IPG.Estate. – Our company is only three years old, but for this period of time we have managed not only to occupy our own niche, but also to constantly strive to increase our share, and including in cooperation with our partner – an international consulting company, which is one of the five leading players – to outride our competitors, not only local, but also other representatives of the international five."

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