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IPG.Estate strengthens the direction of general contracting within the construction project management department and increases the amount of projects in the implementation

IPG.Estate Construction Project Management Department since the end of 2020, company has begun to enhance the direction of the general contract. We continue to evolve the team. At the moment, there are 4 projects in progress on the construction of office spaces with a total area of more than 7,000 square meters, where IPG acts as a general contractor.

The project of the Case service office is at the implementation stage, where our company acts as a general contractor – we are completing construction work and starting to complete it. The opening will take place in August.
Also, 3 projects are already being implemented for international companies in the areas of IT, medicine and project work.
In addition to these projects, the company IPG.Estate participates in a number of tenders for the construction of office spaces with a total area of more than 30,000 sq. m.

Earlier, IPG has provided general contracting services. With our participation, a number of projects have been implemented for large IT companies. Strengthening this direction for IPG is a strategic step.

In St. Petersburg, the level of competition in the segment of general contracting organizations that carry out projects in the office real estate market is extremely low. The main volume of projects is made by Moscow players. Of course, we want to strengthen our position in this market and are able to compete with Moscow companies at the level of price and quality.

At the same time, it is important for us that we enable the client to receive all services in the "single window" format - from finding and renting office space to implementing an interior project and moving to a new space."

Today, the company is IPG.Estate implements construction projects in several formats:

In the status of a technical customer, representing the interests of clients and controlling the work of general contractors and contracting organizations;
In the status of a general contractor, performing the entire complex of construction works with the involvement of contracting organizations. Within this area, we offer design, construction and configuration services.

«‎At the moment, the demand for services for the construction of office premises is extremely high. This is due to two factors. First, after the lockdown of 2020, companies realized that it is possible to bring employees to the office only after the office space is adapted to the new reality – the format, the work schedule. Secondly, in 2020, a deferred demand was formed, which is being actively implemented today – there are few available ready-made premises, and various companies are considering shell & core format premises, implementing the project "for themselves", - comments Ivan Pochinshchikov, managing partner of IPG.Estate».

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