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IPG.Estate company acted as a broker of the transaction.

A major manufacturer and distributor of household appliances rented warehouses of an area of 8,500 square meters in A class warehouse complex – Interterminal. IPG.Estate company acted as a broker of the transaction.

The tenant company is engaged in the production and distribution of household appliances.

Interterminal is A class warehouse complex located in Moskovsky district at the following address: 75 Kubinskaya Street. The total area is 60,000 sq. meters.

According to the tenant, the company was looking for a high-quality warehouse complex equipped with a shelving storage system with comfortable transport accessibility.

"The level of vacant high-quality speculative space in the market of St. Petersburg is less than 3.5 %. This is a critically low figure for the emerging market, – says Philipp Chaika, the Head of Industrial and Warehouse Real Estate Department of IPG.Estate company. – Offers of free blocks of area of 8,000 – 10,000 square meters are extremely limited. Given this situation, warehouse premises with an area of 8,000 sq. meters are very rarely leased in the speculative market".

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